The Aziz Foundation & Asif Aziz

Asif Aziz

Recognising the importance of having a diverse and inclusive media, Asif Aziz has funded numerous journalists from British Muslim backgrounds through The Aziz Foundation.

Having completed her Masters in Interactive Journalism through the kind support of Asif Aziz and the Aziz Foundation at City, University of London, Nimra Shahid is currently working as a freelance journalist and has produced a number of hard-hitting pieces for a number of popular newspapers, such as the Guardian and the Independent.

As a result of her scholarship through Asif Aziz’s generous support, Nimra has since been shortlisted for a number of awards, including the Outstanding Young Journalist of the Year at the Asian Media Awards and New Journalist of the Year in the British Journalism Awards. Passionate about employment, through the support provided to Nimra by Asif Aziz and The Aziz Foundation, Nimra was also awarded the 2020 Google News Fellowship to work with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.